Customize Neoloy® Tough-Cells to Specific Requirements of the Project
One shoe doesn’t fit all. Neither does one geocell fit all projects. PRS enables you to customize your geocell to fit the project.

One shoe doesn’t fit all. Neither does one geocell fit all projects. PRS enables you to customize your geocell to fit the project thereby maximizing your cost-efficiency. Neoloy Tough-Cell is manufactured according to several project profiles so you can match it with the specific requirements of your project.
First analyze the project according to typical stresses, loading, environmental durability and temperatures. Then match the project requirements with the Neoloy Tough-Cell Category Table and Flow Charts below to choose the appropriate Neoloy type, according to the tensile strength and durability. Of course, each geocell type is available in different size cells and wall heights to fine-tune the solution.
- Customized geocell – according to project requirements and design-life
- Optimize project costs – can be reduced by up to 50%
- High long-term performance – Neoloy® Tough-Cell technology inside each cell
- Up to 50% more sections / pallet / container
- Ease of installation
- Sections are easier to carry, handle, layout
- Available section sizes up to 50% larger
- Installation time decreased significantly
Neoloy Tough-Cell Categories B C D
The Neoloy Tough-Cell that matches the actual needs of the project categories is pre-calculated by typical stresses, loading, photochemical durability, elevated temperatures and design-life and not just the cell height or opening dimension. Different cell sizes and wall heights are available according to design objectives.
B – QUALIFIED: for all types of slopes and channels, earth retention walls
C – TOUGH CELL: for upper layers of road pavement structures
D – HEAVY DUTY: for all heavy-duty pavements – roads, railways, ports, airports