Neoloy® Tough-Cells Reduce Degradation and Deformation

Neoloy Tough-Cells reinforce the track substructure layer underneath the ballast layer. It reduces degradation of the embankments by creating a stiff mattress.

The long-term performance of the substructure under the ballast layer is critical as it is not subject to regular maintenance. Neoloy Tough-Cells reinforce the track substructure layer underneath the ballast layer. It reduces degradation of the rail embankments by creating a stiff mattress (semi-rigid platform), which behaves more like a three-dimensional semi-rigid slab or beam effect. The high shear strength and greater load distribution of Neoloy Tough-Cells reduce vertical stresses reaching the subgrade.

The increased bearing capacity of the subgrade strengthens the subballast layer and reduces settlement and accumulated degradation, thereby preventing deformation of the rail embankments. Neoloy reinforcement of the track substructure over problematic subgrade reduces surfacing cycles on the order of double or even more, and enables faster train speeds and heavier loads.

In addition lower quality infill can be utilized in place of expensive well-graded subballast aggregate, while the thickness of the subballast layer can be reduced by up to 50% with no reduction in structural strength.


  • Trackbed stabilization – Neoloy creates a stiff mattress (beam-effect).
  • Strengthened subballast layer reduces degredation of ballast layer.
  • Neoloy strength – high stiffness, dimensional stability and low creep under loading preserve track geometry.
  • Reduce layer thickness – reduce sub-ballast layer and use locally available soils for sub-ballast.
  • Wide load distribution prevents vertical stresses to subgrade.
  • Easy and fast deployment – all-weather, easy and fast installation minimizes downtime.
  • Improved performance – reduce vibrations, track deflection, and smooth transitions between areas of differing subgrades.
  • Improved rolling stock performance – up to 40% heavier loads and 30% faster speeds over the same track.
  • Operating expenses – stabilized rails reduce vibration and, wear and tear on rolling stock (and aggregate)
  • Sustainable – use of marginal infill preserves quarry resources, uses local soils, lowers hauling expenses.
  • Reduce maintenance – extend maintenance surfacing cycles.
  • Cost effective installation – saves construction time, equipment and aggregate.
  • Low total cost of ownership – Neoloy durability that extends track maintenance periods by >3x (perpetual superstructure).

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