Neoloy® Tough-Cells Allow Quick Repair, Access & Aid

Neoloy Tough-Cells are used to restore or construct temporary roads, landing strips, port platforms and earth retention in areas faced with natural disasters.

When natural disasters hit – earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc. – the local roads, airports and ports are critical conduits for the delivery of aid, supplies and reconstruction. Neoloy Tough-Cells are an ideal solution to quickly create and/or restore critical and/or temporary infrastructure. PRS Neoloy offers simple logistics and the ability to use local materials for construction.

Neoloy Tough-Cells can be used to repair existing or construct temporary roads, landing strips, port platforms and earth retention or flood-protection walls in areas faced with natural disasters.  Folded for easy logistics, Tough-Cells can be easily installed by local work crews and infilled with any locally available granular soil or recycled rubble. Critical infrastructure can be constructed within a short time so that aid, personnel and equipment can reach the stricken regions and begin reconstruction.

PRS Neoloy is resistant to seismic activity, hydraulic and erosional forces.


  • Rapid creation or repair of emergency airstrips for airlifts
  • Quickly restore roads and embankments for relief convoys and construction vehicles
  • Create heavy-duty working platforms to stabilize damaged port platforms and container yards
  • Stabilize and reinforce retention walls for unstable or failed slopes
  • Flood retention walls for damaged reservoirs, dams or levees
  • Rapid wall protection around relief organization compounds

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